Shooters Edge

ThermTec Ares 335 Thermal Scope

$ 3699.00

The ThermTec Ares 335 Thermal Scope offers solid performance and extensive features. The 2-way WiFi enables streaming to the Internet, the sensor has a resolution of 384 x 288 pixels, a person can be detected at a distance of 1.8 km. The display is one of the latest technology with AMOLED HD LEDs, it also offers 7 crosshairs, Backlight, 6 colour modes, audio recording and PIP.

35mm LENS
Equipped with a 35mm lens, The ThermTec Ares 335 is perfect for mid-range shooting as a 35mm lens offers a better FOV than 50mm lenses in the 384 x 288 making it ideal for foxes, pigs, and vermin control.

Having a grading of IP67 means that even in the wettest most adverse conditions the user can be sure that no weather can come in the way of use.

With the inclusion of photo and video recording, the user has the ability to go back on footage to see what has been missed or just show off the footage captured on the night’s outing.

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